Students from overseas

Medical doctor in remote village

A real life adventure to the middle of the Purari delta

The following are our criteria for overseas medical students:

1. Must be on the ground with us for 6 weeks minimum. In reality that means about 8 weeks away from home.
2. Must be willing to pay all expenses, including visa (needs to be obtained prior to travelling), external and internal flights, Port Moresby accommodation, board at the hospital, and own food.
3. Must be willing to follow all the Gulf Christian Services rules while with us.

4. Must be a practising christian.

Frequently asked questions

We have had multiple overseas medical students come to GCS for their elective rotations, mostly from the Netherlands, but some from the UK and Australia. We also frequently supervise local residents at the end of their training here.

Expect a wide variety of experiences, including O&G, pediatrics, many infectious/tropical diseases, and a range of injuries. We mostly treat our patients conservatively, so don’t count on a lot of surgical experience. You would most likely spend the majority of your time in Kapuna, with a possible trip to Kikori (although this could change based on our occupation). 
You would also have the opportunity to go on a remote patrol, if these are planned for that time of year. While we aim to provide good supervision, we do expect a lot of independence considering the low number of doctors on site at a given time. On patrol or at times in the hospital, worst case scenario you may therefore be the only ‘doctor’ present, if there is no availability for close supervision. Of course, this would only occur if extremely necessary, and you would need to be clear on setting your own boundaries. Our team of nursing officers and community health workers will then look at you for guidance. Considering the size of our team, we equally cannot promise clearly defined working hours, you may be working off-hours or nights if an emergencie presents itself. Previous medical students have found their elective here to be very educational and challenging at times, but overall a great experience

For your requirements for supervision, it is likely a senior doctor will be around to support you, however if there isn’t, there will most likely be a junior PNG doctor who will be available to supervise you.

If you have read all that and still definitely wish to come to PNG then confirm your dates with us and we can begin the processes.

Which includes 

  1. Reading and signing the GCS Visitor Guide.
  2.  Organising visa for your time here. ( Contact: Jullie Bengesser who is the agent we use in Port Moresby)
  3. Once your international flights are confirmed, let us know so we can help you plan your internal travel.

Many thanks for your application,
With Christian Blessings

Dr Valerie Archer