In the heart of Korovake village, nestled within the vast Purari delta of Gulf Province, young Calvert Aua could often be found playing with his friends. Their favourite pastime is a game called Gemo, a fast-paced activity that combines agility and strategy. One sunny afternoon, Calvert, energetic and spirited, was engrossed in a particularly intense game.
Specialist eye surgery
Bringing basic health services to these widely scattered people is very challenging. Bringing Specialist services to the people is even more challenging. There are no regular specialist services currently available in the Province and people have to travel to the capital Port Moresby for treatment.
Like every tropical country, eye disease and blindness from Cataracts are common amongst the elderly population.
On December 1 2023, a Specialist Eye Surgery Team left Port Moresby and travelled by small plane and dinghy to Kapuna Hospital. Kapuna is a small Rural hospital set in the middle of the Gulf Delta. It is small and isolated and serves very scattered population.
Eyes to see
My name is Kailin Nou’wauó
I come from Haia on the border of Chimbu and Gulf provinces.
For a long time, I suffered with pain in my eyes and with headaches. One day I was carrying a load of sago and bamboo and fell from the steps of our bush house. I was suffering so my brother took me to Wabo, while staying at Wabo the pain in my eyes and my suffering became worse.
Crocodile Attacks in Gulf
Over the last few months, there have been four crocodile attacks in the Baimuru District, three of which were fatal but not Mr Ishmael Kaipa who escaped with his life.