Dreaming of mission?

There is always room for one more servant in God's kingdom

When Drs. Peter and Lin were told about an opportunity to come and serve in the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea, they were told it is a place of Mud, Malaria and Mosquito’s, quite the selling points. We now have beautiful foot paths, we have less malaria and few less mosquitos, thanks to our wonderful beautification team.

But Gulf Christian Services is now a much larger organisation, reaching many more people and with that comes many more challenges, that’s where we need help.

GCS is so much more than just a health service provider. It also includes a training school for community healthcare workers, primary and secondary schools, a church, as well as, building and community development projects.

A huge part of what we do happens through partnering with long and short term volunteers, We would love to talk to you if you are interested in being a volunteer here.



What do we need help with?

We need a lot of help! As Gulf Christian Services grows, the more our team realises how much we have to rely on God to bring along the right people to join the team. We have needs all over the organiseation, from School to finanace, to helping tell the story of what God is doing in this place. 

If you feel called to come and work with us, we would love to hear from you.


I can't go
but I would like
to give?