Rubbish management is an often neglected area in Papua New Guinea, even by those who should be setting a good example (Cough Cough, health workers). There is a lack of public awareness programs of the impact of this rubbish, a lack of infrastructure to handle it appropriately in urban planning and foundational for this country, christian parents who should be setting an example to their children. This has meant that as rural areas urbanise, and gain access to shops, rubbish and pollution inevitably follows.

In Papua New Guinea, solid waste management is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach because of the lack of infrastructure and the cost of this. It’s important to focus on waste reduction, reuse, and recycling and to make that possible, waste segregation.

Here at Kapuna Rural Hospital we are starting to work towards becoming a cleaner community, health and education provider. We already have rules around substances like Alchohol and Buai, but rubbish is a real every day problem even out here in the bush.

The first step we have taken is to start working on the infrastructure, so making sure basic, affordable rubbish bins are available. We are making these rubbish bins here in Kapuna at our workshop.

Alongside this basic steps, our health promotion team is going to be doing regular educational teaching based on the Eden Concept, with the community here. Focussing on how to seperate rubbish and why this is important for health and wellbeing.

Why does this matter? Because we are called to reflect Christ in everything we do as christians and because we were created to care for the earth, our garden of Eden.

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